Anti-stress treatments for your eyes

If an annoying burning of the eyes continues even if it has been a long time since the end of the holidays at sea the reasons are above all environmental. "Salt-rich sea water and the wind on the beach dry up your eyes; the air travel of the outward and backward journey stress the ocular surface and, in those who already have a personal predisposition, as well as burning and dry eyes may also appear redness, and sensation of foreign body in the eye ", explains Giulio Maria Modorati, Ophthalmologist in charge of the Centro Occhio Secco of the San Raffaele Hospital of Milan and of the Uveiti Center of Milan. And they are symptoms that can persist even when many days have passed since the end of the holidays ".
In these cases, the first treatment consists of carefully cleaning the eyes, rinsing them with a physiological solution to try to restore the correct physiology of the ocular surface, which must always be well lubricated in the most natural way possible.
"When the problem does not resolve itself in 4-5 weeks, it is advisable to undergo an accurate eye examination. In fact, only the expert can establish the most suitable therapeutic approach and the most appropriate solutions ". Giulio Modorati says. "The expert will recommend a mild anti-inflammatory therapy associated with the use of artificial tears without preservatives. If the symptoms do not resolve within two weeks, however, the next cure consists of a short cycle of topical steroids (in drops) associated with the use of artificial tears".